Amanda Cracknell

Foot Health


Treatment costs vary – please contact me for price information. At the initial appointment all patients will be required to complete a medical history form with contact details. Please bring along a list of current medications.


Callus, hard skin & cracked heels

Callus is a build up of thickened, hard skin caused by repetitive friction and/or pressure usually found on the ball of the foot, bony prominences, heel area and around the big toe. The skin can be yellow in appearance and painful, sometimes causing a burning sensation. Cracked skin anywhere on the feet needs quick intervention to prevent severe pain and possible infection occurring.

Hard and cracked skin can be gently removed providing relief and cream containing urea massaged in to keep the skin hydrated and flexible preventing it from drying out.

Ingrown toenails

An ingrown toenail is where one or both sides of the nail cuts into the skin becoming very painful and inflamed leading to infection. Generally, it affects the big toe, but can occur on lesser toes. The most common causes are not cutting nails correctly, ill fitting shoes and excessively curved nails (Involuted) and can affect all ages.

I can remove the corner of the nail or spike that is digging in with minimal pain and discomfort. If the area is infected, then antibiotics may be required before treatment can be carried out. Once the offending spike is removed, the toe will feel better immediately. The problem may occur again, however advice can give be given on how to prevent this.

Fungal & thickened toenails

A fungal nail mainly occurs in the big toenail and can then spread to the adjacent toenails. The nail will have brown/yellow patches from the top of the nail, but in the early stages may appear white. In the later stages, the nail can become thickened, discoloured, deformed and have an unpleasant smell, which leads to the nail crumbling and splitting.

Fungal infection occurs when there has been trauma to the nail allowing infection to penetrate the area. The fungus likes moist, dark, warm environments and when occurs can take a long time to clear. It is therefore important to seek advice and treatment as soon as possible. The thickness of the nail can be reduced, as well as cutting and filing the nail to relieve any discomfort and improve appearance. I can advise on the treatments available.

nail reconstruction

I understand that summertime or special occasions can see people reluctant to reveal their feet if they have any conditions that might look unsightly. This reconstruction can be used over most conditions but mainly to over fungal nails and can be used in conjunction with their treatment to conceal ridges, deformations and hide discoloration. If there is a nail to attach the reconstruction to, the nail can be permanent with next to no maintenance and can be varnished and re-varnished just like a natural nail.

lacuna Treatment

The Lacuna method is a treatment for fungal nails which involves drilling multiple micro holes through the nail plate, this allows an antifungal solution to be transported to the area of infection. As the nail is already ‘dead’ the holes remain and will grow out naturally.


Corns range in size and are usually formed on the tops or sides of toes or over bony prominence’s on the ball of the foot. These small concentrated areas of hard skin are conical in shape and can cause a lot of pain if the root presses on nerve endings. Corns are caused by repetitive pressure and/or friction with the most common cause being ill-fitting shoe wear. Some corns form between the toes and are known as soft corns, which occur due to sweat and insufficient drying.

keeping you safe

Covid-19 update

I am now open for clinic appointments only and welcome you all back. Please see below the changes I'm making to keep us all safe.

  • I have reduced the number of patients I see in a day to allow ample time to clean and disinfect between each appointment.
  • I am asking everyone to arrive for their appointment wearing a mask and when entering my clinic to use my hand gel.

Please check your Covid-19 status before your visit, you will be asked these questions again:

  • Do you have a new persistent cough?
  • Do you have a fever?
  • Have you suffered from loss of taste or smell?
  • Has anyone in your household had a new persistent cough or fever or lost taste?

If yes to any of the above please contact me before you leave home.

About me

Amanda Cracknell – MCFHP, MAFHP

I trained at the SMAE Institute, in Maidenhead, the longest established foot health teaching institute in the UK (in operation since 1919) and I am a member of the Open College of Foot Health Professionals and the British Association of Foot Health Professionals.

My background is in working with both learning disabilities and physically disabled adults in day services and residential centres and I am fully insured.

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